A Golden Nugget

Spots of Gold © 2010 Amy Hillenbrand
12 x 12 Oil Painting on Canvas
It's as good as gold!. Remember my last post when I decided to start my day the happy way as per Dr. Joe Dispenza. Well, this is what happened the second day after I started my new morning practice.
As part of my morning intending, I added a little bonus for myself. I intended, beside the beautiful way my day would unfold, that I would receive a happy surprise...a golden nugget. Then I added that when the surprise unveils itself to me, that I would be fully aware that I received my happy surprise, which would then make me all the happier. That afternoon when I was standing at the sink having my afternoon snack my cell phone rang.  I did not recognize the number and answered it to find out I had gotten into a photoshop class I was wanting to take.  I had called two weeks prior to find out the class was full, I was bummed but requested to be put on the waiting list. She agreed but said it was unlikely that I would get in because there were all ready many names on the waiting list.
I was then standing at my sink with this big huge grin because I knew I had just received my happy surprise. As Joe says
" (it) gives me the power and the incentive to do it the next day."
Hmmmm....next time I think I'll create my day with me winning the Texas Lotto! how 'bout you, how are you going to create your day?