Roman Mojo

Sulley © 2010 Amy Hillenbrand
14 x 11 oil on canvas

Meet Sulley. Sulley is the little white critter that lives with my older brother, Peter and his family. He is a silly adorable little Bichon that doesn't know he is one because he never has the cute Bichon haircut. Peter is proud to say that he is the groomer of this funny little dog. Just once I'd like to see him with the Bichon cut. This portrait was a Christmas present to Sulley's family. Not much painting happening since, see below. 

Long time no talk to, yep I've been on hiatus for quite awhile. First, as a result of the busy Christmas and New Year season (which is somewhat legitimate, right?) but then second, just the old fashioned artist block (which doesn't feel legit, but yet is a very real thing). Ohhh I tried yesterday, went to the canvas, tried to muster up some excitement, but nope, just not happening for me. Do you force yourself and end up flinging the canvas across the room because you feel a very big "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" type of energy or do you wait until the mojo comes back? 

The Romans believed creativity did not live inside you, but that creativity was a magical divine entity which lived inside the walls of the studio and this entity would invisibily assist the artist and shape the outcome of the work. So here's what I'm going to try. I'm going to go into my studio and ask my little magical entity to come out of the walls, lend a helping hand, and sprinkle some mojo on me.  Good plan. I'll let you know how it works out. Whatever the results are I can blame them on the little Roman who lives in my walls.
